Inspiring Children to be the Best That They Can Be

For: Primary Educators, Parents, and Kids Inspiring Children To Love Learning And Be The Best They Can Be

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A New Look at Bluebirds

Time to Explore

      Speed increases our brain power.  We can react quicker when we need immediate action.  We can speed up how we think and focus on the task at hand. We can make 'good' decisions fast.  We can change what we are thinking about and adapt to change quicker.  The following Odyssey Learning Games zero in on increasing reaction speed.

The Odyssey learning Games Connection

Even Steven's Odd (Primary and Up) 
    It's a fast-paced dice rolling race!  There are 40 challenges - with different difficulty levels so many ages can play at one time.  Players place their 6 dice 'quickly' on their holders to match the card challenge and win.  $19.99

Super Circles (8 & up)   $9.99
     Play is simultaneous as players match color and number on cards in their hand with the pile in the middle of the table. Players put down cards as quickly as they can until their draw pile is gone. Thinking HAS to be speedy.

Spot It  (4 & up)   $12.99
     What a phenomenon this game has become!  Someone was clever enough to ensure that ANY 2 cards in the deck have 1 picture match.  There are now many versions - including several NFL versions that Odyssey doesn't carry.  Speed is the key - even if you are playing individually.  Families play it together - anywhere: car, restaurant, etc.  

Book Review for Kids

Zombie Makers: True Stories of Nature's Dead by Rebecca Johnson
     With summer right around the corner, there may be 'some' kids out there that really like to read gory stuff.  Now, there is NO SUCH THING as a human zombie, but. . . a fungus can take over an innocent creature's body and make it  a senseless slave. So, if you know a young 'mature' person who enjoys reading about eerie things, try this book. Ages 10 & up

Bully by Patricia Pollaco  
     I am a huge fan of this author and knew it would be extremely well written and realistic.  The setting is either Junior High or High School - and the characters are much stronger - and 'bully' savvy - than those who make our news.  This is a serious topic that does come up and dialogue about it is important. I will be on the look out for appropriate books for younger children - and would appreciate it if you would email me suggestions if you should find one.   

What Bluebirds Do by Pamela Kirby 
     Since this is my 'backyard' topic, I was thrilled to find a well-written story that followed my experience so closely.  You will love learning more about this popular song bird - and some of its unique habits.  One of my favorites is putting 'chick' droppings in tiny bags and taking them far from the nest to keep it clean.  

In My BackYard

    A friend told me he put up a bluebird house in his backyard.  Two weeks later, he told me bluebirds had made a nest and there were 5 eggs.  I laughingly asked if he had put a sign up, 'bluebird house ready for nest'? It seemed strange to me.  I went to see the happy bluebird family - the 5 birds had hatched.  I took the cover off the top and peeked in. They were piled in tightly.  The parents weren't far away and watched with concern.  My friend put mealy worms down for them and we watched while papa bluebird carefully took one to the bird house.  
     The following week, I golfed with a gentleman who 'repaired' and 'cleaned out' the bluebird 'nest boxes' on the golf course.  He inherited the job 11 years ago.  You can go to the North American Bluebird Society website or facebook to learn where 'bluebird nest box trails' are - and the dimensions and instructions for creating your own 'nest box'.  
    Bluebirds appear in late February or March to announce the coming of spring. Watch for a gorgeous blue coat and listen for a short simple warble - alee ay lalo leeo. 

Ode to Bluebirds

                                                                 by Joan Bock

Bluebirds look for a good place to nest.

They find a big yard that they think is the best.

A nest box sits high on a pole.

Papa bird peeks in the hole.

They build their new nest with soft grass.

One by one, mama lays eggs with great class.

Papa sits low on a budding flower spray.

He flutes a sweet song for a sunshinny day.  

Be Creative. . . . Inspire Others. . . . . .Enjoy Life!

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