Time To Explore

I learned that shad once migrated annually (they spawn in
fresh water) up rivers along the Atlantic coast and were a major food for
American Indians, early settlers . . . and once saved Washington’s troops from
starvation. Over time, dams
blocked their annual migration and their population steadily declined.
Currently, fish passages at dams have been created and fish hatcheries are used
in an effort to restore these fish.
Maybe someday we will be able to find shad on menus once again.
Increasing Our Brain Power

We can learn to focus on one task at a time and improve concentration - by practice. It is documented that we can get more done, have less stress, and more energy. I have included games that I believe can improve our focus and concentration in the following Odyssey Game Connection section. I also suggest jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, Suduko, etc.
The Odyssey Game Connection
Bend-It (7 and up) 60 puzzle challenges give lots of practice in improving concentration! Bend and twist hinged pieces into a grid to solve puzzle solution. $15.50

IQ Twist (6 and up) 'Twist' your brain to fit the pieces around pegs to solve this logic game. 120 challenges. Compact to go where. $9.99 IQ Links is also available.
Book Reviews for Kids
By Kate DiCamillo and Alison McGhee
Who can forget DiCamillo's first novel, Because of Winn Dixie? This new award winning series is geared to beginning chapter book readers. Two outrageously funny girls (one tiny, one tall) find plenty of adventures in their own neighborhood. This is the third of the series, each containing 3 comical stories. The illustrations are clever and the story themes are humorous.
by Kristinia Gregory (Early Chapter: 2nd - 5th)
Cabin Creek is a town with many hidden secrets. Each book oozes danger, peculiar characters, exciting plots, and classic boy appeal as supersleuth cousins, Jeff, David, and Claire solve the mysteries. The latest of the series finds the cousins at their grandparent's ranch during summer vacation where they discover a thief.
Odd Duck by Cecil Castellucci
Theodora doesn't fly south in the winter - in fact, she never flies. She swims with a teacup balanced on her head and likes her routine life. When a new duck, Chad, moves in next door, she finds him messy- and 'odd', but then discovers they like many of the same 'different' things. Eventually, they accuse one another of being the 'odd' duck. In the end, discover they like being friends with someone who sees the world a little differently.
In My Backyard
It is baby duck season here. We are blessed that mama is on her second brood, so there are times when the 'adolescents' are on one side of the house, and she is on the other with the babies. She doesn't run off as she did last year - just kind of waddles off with the babies when she sees Jasmine come out.
My sister, Janet, was here last year when mama duck and ten babies made their appearance. Mama was so nervous that she shooed them away if we stood near the window inside. How times have changed.
Last year we had one lonely duck that stayed at the pond. It inspired this short poem.
Lonely Little Duck
by Joan Bock
Little brown duck on the pond all alone.
The other ducks have long ago flown.
He dives so far down -
I just hope he won't drown.
But then, up he will pop,
And dart away fast on top.
No others come as he swims away.
But he is here on the very next day.
If he could speak he might say,
I need my mother to show me the way.
Where can she be? I do not know.
I'm all alone and I miss her so.
Until next time. . . .
Be Creative! Inspire Others! Enjoy Life!
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