Time to Explore

Tune in to NBColympics.com for events in real time. I would love to have you share your favorite event. In the past, mine has been figure skating.
Book Reviews for Kids
The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World by Linda Bailey (4 - 8)
Hocky Meltdown by Jake Maddox (9 - up)
Dylan has an injured arm, but really wants to play. His team members convince him that his best support is telling them how to deal with opposing team players as observed from the sidelines. Dylan is instrumental in helping them win the game - and being a 'team' hero. (Watch for other novels by this author!)
In My Backyard
There are mallard ducks - with babies, Canadian geese, and the muscovy duck. My next blog will explore the herons and egrets that grace our pond.